整體設計恬靜柔和,令人聯想到生命中那些難忘的時光 – 或是鄰家庭院裡歲月靜好的午後,又或是與挚愛共享的溫馨時刻。這份作品不僅是一件視覺藝術品,更能喚起人們對美好時光的回憶。
This floral arrangement is a snapshot of a life’s gentle passage. The full-bodied peonies and the layered lilies are both delicate and vibrant, adorned with tender green foliage – like a prolonged, serene musical movement, narrating the meandering flow of time.
The overall design conveys a tranquil, soothing quality, evoking memories of life’s cherished moments – be it a peaceful afternoon in a neighborhood garden, or a cozy shared experience with a loved one. This work is not merely a visual art piece, but a catalyst for recalling the beautiful days gone by.